VoiceScript Technologies

Automated Multi-person, Multi-language Transcription Service

Thank you for requesting an audio recording of your recent interview.

The process is as follows;

  1. On the Substantive Information Report you will find two pieces of information required to obtain a copy of your recent Interview.

    • Your “Applicant Login Code”

    • Your “Applicant Password Key”

  2. On the bottom of this page you will find two entry fields marked “Login” and “Password”.  Type in your Applicant Login Code into the first box (“Login”) and type your Applicant Password Key into the second box (“Password”).

  3. When you click on the SUBMIT key you will be directed to a page with a single link.  This link will enable you to download a full audio copy of your recent Interview.

  4. Your Login and Password must be entered correctly or you will not be directed to your link.

  5. The downloading of your interview is secure and may only be accessed with your Login and Password codes entered correctly.

  6. The Interview file is playable in a variety of common computer programs – all of them are free.  Some examples are;

    Apple QuickTime (https://support.apple.com/downloads/quicktime)

    Microsoft Media Player (https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/media-players.aspx).


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